
  • Mukhtar Ahmad Wahid
  • George Kuruppacheril Abraham


Human sera comprising 545 specimens spread over a period of three years were analyzed
electrophorctically for proteins. Only 159 samples (29%) exhibited abnormal serum protein
patterns. They were in the order of inflammatory disorders (acute/chronic), 60 (37.7%), Polyclonal
gammopathies,48 (30.1%), Cirrhosis, 22 (13.8%), Monoclonal gammopathies, 22 (13.8%),
Agammaglobulinemia, 3 (1.9%), Nephrosis, 2 (1.2%), Protein-losing enteropathy, 1 (0.6%), Lowalpha 1 -antitrypsin, 1 (0.6%), Inflammatory diseases of various nature, therefore, constitute the
major serum protein abnormalities in Riyadh. Moreover, their occurrence varies with age, sex and
climatic conditions as elsewhere in the world.


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How to Cite

Wahid, M. A., & Abraham, G. K. (1991). A THREE YEAR STUDY ON THE ELECTROPHORETIC PATTERNS OF SERUM PROTEINS WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO VARIOUS GLOBULINOPATHIES IN SAUDIS. Journal of Ayub Medical College Abbottabad, 4(2), 1–4. Retrieved from https://jamc.ayubmed.edu.pk/index.php/jamc/article/view/4698