
  • Mohammad Javed
  • Imranullah Khan
  • Nadeem Afzal


Alkaptonuria, also termed ochronosis is a rare metabolic disorder due to a deficiency of the enzyme
homogentisic acid oxidase12.
Phenyl Alanine
P-hydroxyphenyl pyruvic acid
Maleylacetoacetic acid
Further Catabolism
The result of HGA oxidase deficiency is an accumulation of homogentisic acid in the body and
its deposition preferentially in the cartilages, tendons and other tissues as a blue-black or a brown
black pigment. HGA is also excreted in the urine turning it black if left to stand for a while.


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How to Cite

Javed, M., Khan, I., & Afzal, N. (1993). ALKAPTONURIA. Journal of Ayub Medical College Abbottabad, 6(1), 21–23. Retrieved from