Radioimmunoassay is a powerful technique developed in 1960 by Solomon Berson andRosalyn Yallow, who first devised a R1A for the measurement of insulin concentration in plasma1.
The technique was far more sensitive and specific than any method existed at the time. RIA is used
to analyse many biological substances that are present in minute amounts, including steroids, cyclic
nucleotides, peptide hormones, viruses, bacterial antigen, enzymes, prostaglandins and drugs.
Inspite of certain advantages of RIA in terms of sensitivity, specificity and wide
applicability2, it has a number of disadvantages including high capital cost, as the devises used are
very expensive and their maintenance in developing countries is extremely difficult task. Beside
radiation hazards are a constant threat to personnel working in RIA laboratory. Decomposition of
radiolabeled proteins upon storage is also a serious problem in RIA, affecting the sensitivity and
reproducibility of assay system.
Yallow, R.S. and Berson, S.A. Assay of plasma insulin in human subjects by immunological
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Subhan Qureshi and Mir Hassan Khan. Relationship of corpus luteum size with progesterone in
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efficiency of rectal palpation and milk progesterone profiles in diagnosing ovarian contents in
mammals. Accepted for publication in Journal of Pak. Agri. Res. Council Islamabad 1990.
Wiel, D.F.M. and Koops, W. Development and validation of an Enzyme Immunoassay for
progesterone in bovine milk or blood plasma, animal Reproduction Science. 1986; 10: 201-213.
Allen, E. and Porter, DJ. Comparison of Radio-immunoassay and Enzyme linked immunoassay for
hi measurement of progestogen in Equine Plasma and Milk. Vet. Rec 1987; 120: 429-431.
Davies, J. and Fletcher, N.A. Evaluation of Enzyme immunoassay for the qualitative assessment of
Progesterone in Vovine blood. Vet. Rec 1987; 120: 257-258.
Kamonpatan, M.W., Koops, D.F.M., Van dc Wiel, C, Ngram S.R. and Srisakwattana, K. Milk
progesterone during oestrus cycle in buffalo: a comparison of sensitive and simple enzyme
immunoassay to radioimmunoassay. Second International meeting on World Buffalo Production.
Careta Italy. 1979; 7.
Kamonpatana, M. Application of plasma progesterone by Enzyme immunoassay to oestrus
confirmation and early pregnancy diagnosis in swamp buffalo. Annual Report. The National Buffalo
Research and Development Centre Project Bangkok. Thailand 1982; 58-67.
Eddy, R.G. and Clark, P.J. Vet. Rec. 1987; 120: 31-34.
Shah, N.H., Willems, S.a.H. and Wiel, D.F.M. Induction of ovulatory oestrus in trues an estrous
Buffaloes during low breeding season, animal reproduction Science. 1987; 14: 233-238.
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and milk in the diagnosis of pregnancy in domestic cattle Hr. Vet. J. 1976; 132: 497-506.
Dobson, II. and Pit/., R.J. Clinical application of Progesterone in milk test. Br. Vet. J. 1976; 132:
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Heap, R.B., Holdroworth, R.J., Gadsby, J.E., luting, J.A. and Walters, D.E. Pregnancy diagnosis in
the cow from milk progesterone concentration. Br. Vet. J. 1976; 132: 445-463.
Perera, B.M., Abeywardena, S.A. and Abeygunawardena. Early Pregnancy diagnosis in buffaloes
from plasma progesterone concentration. Vet. Record. 1980; 106: 104-106.
Singh, A. and Puthiyandy, R. Estimation of Progesterone in buffalo milk and its application to
pregnancy diagnosis. J. Reprod. Perl. 1980; 59: 89-93.
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Abraham, G.E. et al. Evaluation of ovulation and corpus luteum function using measurement of
plasma progesterone. Obstet. Gynaecol. 1974; 44: 522-525.
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Loraine, J.A. and Bell, E.T. Hormone assays and their clinical application. 4thc ed Edinburgh
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Orezyk, G.P., I lichens, M., Artho, G. and Behrnian, I l.R. Progesterone. In methods of hormone
radioimmunoassay. Edited by B.M. Jaffe and H.R. Behrman. Academic Press New York. 1974; 348-
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