
  • Azizunnisa Abbasi
  • Nazakat Begum
  • Bhagwant Devi
  • M. Hussain
  • Fareesa Waqar


During 18 months' period (January 1994-June 1995), 64 congenitally malformed babies were delivered in
Obst/Gyn unit of Women and Children Hospital Abbottabad. Incidence was 2.9%. Neural tube defects were
42 (65.62%), hydrocephalus 16 (25%), cleft lip and cleft palate 3 (4.68%), amelia one (1.56%), polydactyly
one (1.56%) & anophthalmia one (1.56%). 13 (20.3%) mothers were primigravidas, 29 (45.31%) were
multiparas and 22 (34.37%) were grand multiparas. All of them belonged to poor socio-economic class. 9
were booked and 55 (85.93%) were un booked. There was no history of X-ray exposure, drugs intake, high
grade fever or congenitally malformed babies. 4 (6.25%) mothers of babies with neural tube defects were
known diabetics.


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How to Cite

Abbasi, A., Begum, N., Devi, B., Hussain, M., & Waqar, F. (1995). INCIDENCE OF CONGENITAL ANOMALIES: A HOSPITAL BASED STUDY. Journal of Ayub Medical College Abbottabad, 7(2), 3–5. Retrieved from