
  • Mumtaz Khan Burki
  • Mehr Dil Khan Wazir
  • Humayun Shah


A total of 300 cases of PUO (Pyrexia of Unknown Origin) were admitted to the Paediatrics Unit of
Women and Children Hospital, Abbottabad during one year (June 1994 - May, 1995). They were examined
for their detailed clinical profile. About 2/3rd of them had fever as their presenting symptom. Other
associated predominant features were dizziness-51 (30%), anorexia-48 (28%), loose motions-47 (27.6%),
cough-38 (22.4%}), headache-25 (14.7%), coated tongue-21 2(12.4%.), & jaundice-5 (2.9%). 80%, patients
were admitted when complications had developed, such as gastroenteritis-68 (40%), enteric encephalopathy-
65 (38.2%), drug toxicity-30 (17.6%), peritonitis-25 (14.7%), cholecystitis-18 (10.6%), myocarditis-6
(3.5%), and ataxia-2 (1.2%).
In the first 9 months, response to chloramphenicol was very good but this changed to resistance and
in the last 3 months most of the cases were resistant to chloramphenicol treatment.


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How to Cite

Burki, M. K., Wazir, M. D. K., & Shah, H. (1995). CHANGING PROFILE OF ENTERIC FEVER IN CHILDREN. Journal of Ayub Medical College Abbottabad, 7(2), 15–17. Retrieved from