
  • Abdul Aziz Awan
  • Mohammad Aftab
  • Salim Arif


1306 school children were screened for refractive errors and squint
between September 1991 and September 1994. 2.60% of the children
had abnormal cover test. 7.04% of the children were found to have
refractive error. Only 36.95% of the children were aware of their
refractive error and using glasses. Myopia was the commonest
refractive error amounting to 6.127c. Many of the children examined
were not aware of their ocular disease.


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How to Cite

Awan, A. A., Aftab, M., & Arif, S. (1995). REFRACTIVE ERROR AND SQUINT IN PRIMARY SCHOOL CHILDREN. Journal of Ayub Medical College Abbottabad, 7(2), 26–27. Retrieved from