
  • Nayla Tariq Chaudhry
  • Shahnaz Javed Khan
  • Tanvir Ali Khan
  • Munim Saeed
  • Maliha Syed
  • Javed Iqbal
  • Shahzjad Ahmed
  • Maleeha Saleem
  • Zunera Yaqub


Infection with Hepatitis B virus is a serious hazard. A study was carried out to evaluate the prevalence rate of HBsAg carrier state among a group of 200 healthy voluntary blood donors. Blood groups and haemoglobin levels were also determined. The prevalence rate for HbsAg carrier suite was 2% (males-1.09%, females11.11%). The frequency distribution of ABO blood groups was: A- 22.7%, B- 36.35%, O- 33.85%>, and AB- 7.10%. The percentage distribution of Rh antigen was: Rh+ve- 93.44% and Rh-ve- 6.56%. Haemoglobin level, mean value ±standard deviation, for males was 13.84 ±0.95 and in case of females it was 13.02±0.53. The study reveals that females exhibit greater seropositivity, group B is the commonest and males have significantly higher Hb levels. In order to estimate HBV, blood and all blood products must be tested for HbsAg. Moreover, Hepatitis B vaccine should be included in the Expanded Programme of Immunization in our country. KEYWORDS: Hepatitis B, HbsAg, Blood groups, ABO, Rh(D), Haemoglobin


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How to Cite

Chaudhry, N. T., Khan, S. J., Khan, T. A., Saeed, M., Syed, M., Iqbal, J., … Yaqub, Z. (1996). PREVALENCE OF HEPATITIS B CARRIERS AND BLOOD GROUP FREQUENCY IN VOLUNTARY BLOOD DONORS. Journal of Ayub Medical College Abbottabad, 8(2), 29–32. Retrieved from