
  • Anjuman Gul
  • M. Ataur Rahman
  • Anila Jaleel


Background: Diabetes mellitus constitutes one of the most important problems in developing and
developed countries. Increased glycosylation of various proteins in diabetic patients has been
reported by many authors. The present study describes the changes in protein glycosylation in
diabetic patients with and without diabetic complication. Methods: The study included one
hundred and three subjects. Among them 21 were type 2 diabetic patients without any clinical
evidence of chronic diabetic complications, 21 were type 2 diabetic patients with cardiovascular
complications, 20 were type 2 diabetic patients with cataract, 20 were type 2 diabetic patients with
retinopathy and 21 apparently normal, age, sex and weight matched controls. The patients were
selected from Ziauddin Medical University Hospital, Karachi and Jinnah Postgraduate Medical
Centre, Karachi. Results: Fasting plasma glucose was increased in all diabetic patients and
correlated significantly with glycosylated hemoglobin, glycosylated plasma proteins and serum
fructosamine concentrations. There was no significant difference in the levels of fasting plasma
glucose, glycosylated plasma proteins, glycosylated hemoglobin, serum fructosamine, hexosamine
or sialic acid between diabetic patients with or without chronic complications. Alpha-1 and alpha-
2 globulin fraction were significantly increased in diabetic patients without complications, diabetic
patients with cardiovascular complications and diabetic patients with cataract. Albumin was found
to be decreased in diabetic patients with cataract while gamma globulin was increased in diabetic
patients with cardiovascular complications and diabetic patients with cataract. Conclusions: In
uncomplicated diabetic patients alpha-1 and alpha-2 glycoproteins were increased. In diabetic
patients with cardiovascular complications alpha-1, alpha-2 and gamma globulin were increased
while in diabetic patients with cataract alpha-1, alpha-2 and gamma globulin were increased but
serum albumin was significantly decreased.
Key words: glycosylated hemoglobin, glycosylated plasma protein, serum fructosamine, sialic
acid, hexosamine and total serum proteins.


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How to Cite

Gul, A., Rahman, M. A., & Jaleel, A. (2005). CHANGES IN GLYCOSYLATED PROTEINS IN TYPE-2 DIABETIC PATIENTS WITH AND WITHOUT COMPLICATIONS. Journal of Ayub Medical College Abbottabad, 17(3). Retrieved from