
  • GA Adebiyi desiyun
  • Charles Ameh


Background: This study was carried out to study the demographic variables, treatment options
and mortality in cases of abortion related pelvic abscess. Methods: A retrospective study of
patients that had pelvic abscess as a complication of unsafe abortion. The retrieved case files were
scrutinized for the necessary information. Result: The age ranged from thirteen years to forty six
years, and teenagers accounted for 24.3% of the patients. About half of the patients, 51.4% were
childless and parity ranged from zero to eight. The abortionists were mainly untrained personnel
and the contraceptive prevalence rate was low, 5.4%. Most of the patient had conservative surgery
and a significant number 94.6%, had blood transfusion. Maternal death of 18.9% was recorded
with infection being the major cause. Conclusion: Unsafe abortion and its attendant complication
is still a problem in Nigeria. High quality post abortion care will help a long way in saving many
Key words: Unsafe abortion, Induced abortion, Pelvic abscess, Conservative surgery.


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How to Cite

desiyun, G. A., & Ameh, C. (2006). AN ANALYSIS OF SURGICALLY MANAGED CASES OF PELVIC ABSCESS COMPLICATING UNSAFE ABORTION. Journal of Ayub Medical College Abbottabad, 18(2), 14–16. Retrieved from