
  • Tariq Mahmood Awan
  • Abdus Sattar
  • Ihsan Gul Khattak


Background: Growth Hormone (GH) is secreted from the anterior pituitary gland. It binds to
receptors on the surface of target cells, stimulates production of Insulin-like growth factor-I (IGFI) leading to growth of almost all tissues of the body capable of growing. Growth failure (height
below 3rd centile) occurs in children who do not secrete sufficient amount of GH. In some
children, however, short stature is present in the presence of high levels of GH in their blood and
they also secrete normal to increased amounts of GH in response to stimulation tests when tested
for possible deficiency of GH. This condition is known as GH resistance syndrome or Larons
syndrome (LS). Methods: All patients after a thorough clinical evaluation underwent GH
evaluation protocol as follows. On arrival in the lab a blood sample was collected for basal GH
level in each patient. Screening was performed by subjecting the patients to exercise stimulation
test and/or L-dopa stimulation test. Patients with GH deficiency underwent insulin tolerance test
(ITT) after one week for confirmation. All the basal and post-stimulation samples were analyzed
for GH levels. A level below 10mIU/L indicated GH deficiency, between 10-20mIU/L as
borderline and an adequate response was defined as a GH >20mIU/L. Patients with a basal GH
level of >20mIU/L and/or a post-stimulation level of >40mIU/L were arbitrarily considered as
having exaggerated GH levels. This article evaluates the high plasma growth hormone levels
among clinically short stature children undergoing growth hormone stimulation tests. Results:
Two hundred ninty-three patients reported for GH evaluation. Twenty were excluded for various
reasons. Thus 273 patients were included for GH evaluation out of which 66(24.2%) showed GH
deficiency, 89(32.6%) were borderline while 118(43.2%) patients exhibited adequate response,
with GH levels of >20mIU/L. A number of patients unexpectedly showed very high GH levels on
screening tests. Out of 118 patients, 21 showed either very high basal levels of >20mIU/L and/or a
much-exaggerated response to stimulation tests with levels more than about 40mIU/L. Close
consanguinity was found in 67% of patients showing very high GH levels. Conclusion: Some
children with idiopathic short stature may show high levels of GH during their evaluation for GH
deficiency. We identified a considerable number of such patients. These patients require further
KEY WORDS: Growth Hormone, Resistance Syndrome, Short Stature, Exercise, L-dopa, Insulin
Tolerance Test (ITT).


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How to Cite

Awan, T. M., Sattar, A., & Khattak, I. G. (2006). HIGH GROWTH HORMONE LEVELS IN CLINICALLY SHORT STATURE CHILDREN. Journal of Ayub Medical College Abbottabad, 18(2), 29–33. Retrieved from https://jamc.ayubmed.edu.pk/index.php/jamc/article/view/4981