Background: Strokes in pediatric age group are not common. However diagnosing the cause ofstroke will help in providing preventive and curative treatment. Present study was conducted to
find etiology of strokes/hemiplegia in children. Methods: This study was conducted in
Department of Pediatrics, Ayub Teaching Hospital Abbottabad from December 2002 to December
2005.All children from two months to fifteen years of age were included in the study. Children
with weakness due to acute poliomyelitis and Guillan barre syndrome were excluded.
Investigations were based on findings on history and clinical examination and included full blood
count, PT, APTT, Platelets count, ECG, Echocardiography, hematocrit, lumber puncture with CSF
analysis and culture and CT-scan skull. Data of all the patients presenting with strokes/hemiplegia
was entered on prepared proforma. Results: The main etiology of strokes was intracranial
infection causing strokes in 23(56.09%)children and majority of children (78.26%) in this group
were below five years. Etiology was un-known in 7(17.07%) children after necessary available
investigations. Conclusions: Intracranial infection Infections that is meningitis and encephalitis
are commonest etiology of strokes and hemiplegia in paediatrics patients presenting at Ayub
Teaching Hospital, Abbottabad.
Key words: Cerebrovascular Accident, Children, Hemiplegia, Intracranial infections
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