
  • Syed Humayun Shah


Foodborne transmission of pathogenic and toxigenic
microorganisms has been a recognized hazard for
decades. The dangers of botulism from underprocessed canned foods: staphylococcal poisoning
from unrefrigerated cream-filled pastries, sliced ham.
meat, and poultry salads; and salmonellosis from
infected animal products were known even half
century ago. Despite new protective measures,
changes in preservation techniques and failure to
follow recognized procedures have created new
Every year, foodborne infections cause millions of
illnesses and thousands of deaths: most infections go
diagnosed and unreported Although outbreaks make
the news, most foodborne infections occur as
individual or sporadic cases. Therefore, the sources of
sporadic cases must also be investigated and
In the developed world substantial progress has been
made in preventing foodborne diseases. For example,
typhoid fever, extremely common at the beginning of
the 20th century, is now almost forgotten in the United
States. It was conquered in the preantibiotic era by
disinfection of drinking water, sewage treatment, milk
sanitation and pasteurization, and shellfish bed
sanitation. Similarly, cholera, bovine tuberculosis, and
trichinosis have also been controlled in the US


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How to Cite

Shah, S. H. (1999). FOOD BORNE DISEASES: A NEGLECTED PUBLIC HEALTH CHALLENGE IN PAKISTAN. Journal of Ayub Medical College Abbottabad, 11(1), 1–2. Retrieved from