
  • Syed Mushtaq Gilani
  • Rehman Ghani
  • Ghulam Nabi


Tracheobronchial foreign bodies in children mostly present as emergency to hospital. Sander's technique is the great
advantage for the removed of tracheobronchial foreign bodies by rigid bronchoscope. It has made the procedure safe
for removal of foreign bodies in children, particularly for prolonged endoscopy. Preoperative preparation of the
patient with the administration of antibiotics, intravenous fluids and steroids has made the endoscopy easier. Safe and
suitable general anaesthesia by an experienced anesthesiologist is required for complete removal of tracheobronchial
foreign body. In the present study most of the foreign bodies removed from the children were small plastic- whistles
available as free gifts with some cheap candies in the local market.


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How to Cite

Gilani, S. M., Ghani, R., & Nabi, G. (1999). ANAESTHETIC MANAGEMENT OF TRACHEOBRONCHIAL FOREIGN BODIES IN CHILDREN. Journal of Ayub Medical College Abbottabad, 11(1). Retrieved from