
  • Jamil -ur- Rehman
  • Mohammad Shafiq


Background: It is an established fact that fasting influences carbohydrate and lipid metabolism resulting in changes
in blood levels of glucose and lipid profile. This study describes the changes observed in the volunteers who fasted
throughout the month of Ramadan. Methods: After screening. 24 volunteers were included in the study on the basis
of their fasting blood glucose and cholesterol levels and different tests were conducted on serum. Results: Blood
glucose, cholesterol. TAG and LDL-C levels decreased significantly, while HDL-C level rose considerably at the end
of month. But the blood chemistry picture almost returned back to the pre-Ramadan level once fasting was
discontinued for two weeks. Conclusion: It can therefore, be interpreted that the beneficial changes observed during
the month of Ramadan are transient and could only be maintained if the dietary habits of Ramadan are continued


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How to Cite

Rehman, J. .- ur-., & Shafiq, M. (2000). CHANGES IN BLOOD GLUCOSE AND LIPID PROFILE DURING RAMADAN FASTING. Journal of Ayub Medical College Abbottabad, 12(3). Retrieved from