
  • M. Zamir Ahmad Akbari
  • Muhammad Sarwar Bhatti
  • Muhammad Shakoor


Background: Smoking is one of the major risk factors in the genesis of coronary atherosclerosis and development of
coronary heart disease. Smoking which is recognized as a major risk factor for the development of ischaemic heart
disease may lead to alter the normal plasma lipoprotein pattern. Methods: Fifty adult smokers were selected along
with thirty normal controls. Lipid profile was studied and estimations of cholesterol, total lipids, triglycerides. HDL.
LDL. VLDL and chylomicrons were made. Results: All these parameters except HDL level were significantly
increased in smokers while HDL level was significantly decreased, showing greater risk of these persons to
atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease (CHD). Various ratios like LDL/HDL. VLDL/HDL. TG/HDL and TC/HDL
were calculated to find out the risk of atherosclerosis and CHD so that early measures could be adopted to avoid
complicated disease process.


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How to Cite

Akbari, M. Z. A., Bhatti, M. S., & Shakoor, M. (2000). LIPID PROFILE IN SMOKING. Journal of Ayub Medical College Abbottabad, 12(3). Retrieved from