
  • M. Hussain Khan
  • Syed Humayun Shah


Background: A small number of persons with Rh-negative blood have red blood cells that are not directly agglutinated
by anti D during routine testing for 'Rh' antigen, but that do react when the D-typing test is converted to the indirect
antiglobulin test, which is Du' test. Cells thus identified are then designated as 'Du' cells. This study was done to assess
the incidence of '˜Du' patients in Rh negative obstetrics patients. Methods: A total of 1500 pregnant women were
screened for Rh antigen. The red blood cells of the D negative subjects were then tested by indirect method.
Agglutination confirmed 'Du' otherwise it was confirmed as D (-). Results: Out of the 50 D?negative women subjected
to the indirect antiglobulin test 6 women were found to have Du' blood. Conclusions: This reflects a significant
percentage of D' negative. Du' subjects in our obstetrics patients. Therefore, utmost care should be taken before
labeling a subject D' negative.


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How to Cite

Khan, M. H., & Shah, S. H. (2000). INCIDENCE OF ’˜Du’ IN ’˜Rh’ NEGATIVE OBSTETRICS PATIENTS. Journal of Ayub Medical College Abbottabad, 12(2). Retrieved from