
  • Muhammad Tayyab
  • Muhammad Saeed Anwar
  • Inam Qadir Javed Hashmi


Poliomyelitis presents as acute febrile illness with
sudden onset of weakness of extremities. It is caused
by type 1,2, and 3 poliovirus and spreads most
commonly by faecal-oral route, particularly in areas
with poor sanitation.1'2 It is primarily a disease of
children, 70-90% of the cases occur in those less than
3 years of age. 3 The disease is preventable through
improved sanitation, hygiene and immunization with
polio vaccines.
In May 1988, World Health Assembly (WHA)
declared that World Health Organization (WHO) was
committed to the global eradication of poliomyelitis
by the year 2000.4 Substantial progress towards the
global eradication of poliomyelitis by the year 2000
has been achieved since May 1988. Today the world
stands on the brink of achievement of goal of global
poliomyelitis eradication, under the leadership of


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How to Cite

Tayyab, M., Anwar, M. S., & Hashmi, I. Q. J. (2000). POLIOMYELITIS: A REVIEW. Journal of Ayub Medical College Abbottabad, 12(2). Retrieved from https://jamc.ayubmed.edu.pk/index.php/jamc/article/view/5194