
  • Meher F. Hansotia


Integration has been defined in functional terms as a
series of operations concerned in essence with the
bringing together of otherwise independent
administrative structures, functions and mental
attitudes in such a way as to combine these into a
However, the expression integrated health services
has also been defined in organizational terms as those
services necessary for the health protection of people
residing in a given area and provided under a single
administrative unit, or under several agencies, with
proper provision for their coordination.'
Integrated care is an approach whereby health services
for a defined population, are financed and delivered
through an integrated system, to ensure access, equity
and quality of care, in a cost effective way, which is
modified by patients, professional and community
A district health system is the vehicle for providing
quality primary health care to everyone in a defined
geographical area. In this type of health care,
individual's communities and the health providers,
participate together in improving their own health.
Five important reasons for the introduction of such a
system are:


Integration of mass campaigns against specific diseases into

general health services: report of a WHO Study Group.

Geneva, World Health Organization, 1965 (WHO Technical

Report Series, No.294).

Methodology of planning an integrated health programme for

rural areas: second report of the Expert Committee on Public

Health Administration. Geneva, World Health Organization,

(WHO Technical Report Series, No.83).

Scott J. Integrated care-the ethical debate: influence of ethics

and policy on the development of an integrated care system -

an overview. Healthcare Review-on Line 2. (7) 004. May

Anton R, Macpherson M. Integrated care - delivery systems:

local initiatives and delivery systems - tire Health Care Otago

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Http://www.enigma. 8/vol2no


WHO Technical Report Series 861. Integration of health Care

Delivery. Report of a WHO study group. World Health

Organization. Geneva 1996.

Pert H. Integrated care-delivery systems. Healthcare Review -

Online TM.2(10); August 1998. Http://www.enigma,'9808/vol2no m.

Scott J. Integrated Care-the ethical debate: the influences of

ethics and policy on the development of an integrated care

system- an overview. Healthcare Review'- On line TM.2(7);

May 1998.

How to Cite

Hansotia, M. F. (2000). INTEGRATED DISTRICT HEALTH CARE SYSTEMS-A REVIEW. Journal of Ayub Medical College Abbottabad, 12(1). Retrieved from