
  • Saad Siddiqui Aga Khan University
  • Anwar Ahmed Aga Khan University
  • Naila Nadeem Aga Khan University


Omental infarction is a rare cause of acute abdomen in children. Typical findings on imaging establish the diagnosis. We present case of a 7 years old boy who presented with acute right iliac fossa pain with diagnosis of omental infarction on imaging and findings confirmed on laparotomy. Sound knowledge regarding this infrequent cause of acute abdomen in children is necessary for timely diagnosis.

Keywords: Tuberculosis; Computed Tomography; Stomach.

Author Biographies

Saad Siddiqui, Aga Khan University


Dept. of Radiology,

Aga Khan University. 

Anwar Ahmed, Aga Khan University

Consultant Radiologist,

Dept. of Radiology,

Aga Khan Univeristy.

Naila Nadeem, Aga Khan University

Associate Professor,

Dept. of Radiology,

Aga Khan University. 


Tsunoda T, Sogo T, Komatsu H, Inui A, Fujisawa T. A case report of idiopathic omental infarction in an obese child. Case Rep Pediatr. 2012;2012:513634.

Van Kerkhove F, Coenegrachts K, Steyaert L, Ghekiere J, Gabriel C, Casselman JW. Omental infarction in childhood. JBR-BTR. 2006;89(4):198-200.

Varjavandi V, Lessin M, Kooros K, Fusunyan R, McCauley R, Gilchrist B. Omental infarction: risk factors in children. J Pediatr Surg. 2003;38(2):233-5.

Grattan-Smith JD, Blews DE, Brand T. Omental infarction in pediatric patients: sonographic and CT findings. AJR Am J Roentgenol. 2002 Jun;178(6):1537-9.

Rimon A, Daneman A, Gerstle JT, Ratnapalan S. Omental infarction in children. J Pediatr. 2009;155(3):427-31 e1.Tsunoda T, Sogo T, Komatsu H, Inui A, Fujisawa T. A case report of idiopathic omental infarction in an obese child. Case Rep Pediatr 2012;2012:513634.

Van Kerkhove F, Coenegrachts K, Steyaert L, Ghekiere J, Gabriel C, Casselman JW. Omental infarction in childhood. JBR-BTR 2006;89(4):198-200.

Varjavandi V, Lessin M, Kooros K, Fusunyan R, McCauley R, Gilchrist B. Omental infarction: risk factors in children. J Pediatr Surg 2003;38(2):233-5.

Grattan-Smith JD, Blews DE, Brand T. Omental infarction in pediatric patients: sonographic and CT findings. AJR Am J Roentgenol 2002;178(6):1537-9.

Rimon A, Daneman A, Gerstle JT, Ratnapalan S. Omental infarction in children. J Pediatr 2009;155(3):427-31.




How to Cite

Siddiqui, S., Ahmed, A., & Nadeem, N. (2016). OMENTAL INFARCTION IN A CHILD. Journal of Ayub Medical College Abbottabad, 28(3), 623–624. Retrieved from