
  • Muhammad Khurram Saleem Department of Medicine, Combined Military Hospital Lahore
  • Muhammad Kashif Department of Medicine, Jinnah Hospital, Lahore
  • Muhammad Waqas Javed Department of Medicine, Jinnah Hospital, Lahore
  • Abbas Raza Department of Medicine, Jinnah Hospital, Lahore
  • Arif M Siddiqui Department of Medicine, Jinnah Hospital, Lahore


Methaemogloninemia is a rare condition characterized by elevated levels of methemoglobin levels. We report a case of a young lady who took thinner (a solvent used in paint). Methemoglobinemia was diagnosed on the basis of saturation gap and elevated methemoglobin levels. She recovered after exchange transfusion, which was done due to non-availability of parenteral methylene blue.

Keywords: Methmoglobinemia, treatment, exchange transfusion


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How to Cite

Saleem, M. K., Kashif, M., Javed, M. W., Raza, A., & Siddiqui, A. M. (2015). METHEMOGLOBINEMIA-AN ALTERNATIVE TREATMENT MODALITY. Journal of Ayub Medical College Abbottabad, 27(2), 492–493. Retrieved from