
  • Saima Bibi Ayub Medical Teaching Institute
  • Burhan Ali Danish ayub medical college
  • Khyal Mohammad ayub medical college
  • Attia Iqbal ayub medical college
  • Saima Gillani ayub medical college
  • Tahir Saeed Siddiqui ayub medical college
  • Ghufran Babar children mercy hospital and clinics, Kansas city
  • Syed Yasir Hussain Gillani


Berardinelli Seip Syndrome is a rare disorder associated with loss of adipose tissue leading to a myriad of findings owing to derangements of carbohydrate and lipid metabolism. There is no cure and the management comprising low fat diet, metformin and leptin replacement is aimed at preventing complications. We report this syndrome in a male child from Afghanistan.

Keywords: Lipodystrophy; leptin; hepatomegaly

Author Biographies

Saima Bibi, Ayub Medical Teaching Institute

Assistant Professor Paediatrics

Burhan Ali Danish, ayub medical college

resident department of pediatrics

Khyal Mohammad, ayub medical college

junior consultant department of pediatrics

Attia Iqbal, ayub medical college

medical officer

Saima Gillani, ayub medical college

associate professor

Tahir Saeed Siddiqui, ayub medical college


Ghufran Babar, children mercy hospital and clinics, Kansas city

associate professor of endocrinology, associate director EDICS clinic


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How to Cite

Bibi, S., Danish, B. A., Mohammad, K., Iqbal, A., Gillani, S., Siddiqui, T. S., … Gillani, S. Y. H. (2020). A RARE CASE OF BERARDINELLI SEIP SYNDROME. Journal of Ayub Medical College Abbottabad, 32(4), 577–579. Retrieved from https://jamc.ayubmed.edu.pk/index.php/jamc/article/view/8002