
  • Auon Shabbir Khan Niazi Combined Military Hospital, Rawalpindi
  • Mubashar Ahmed Bajwa Combined Military Hospital, Rawalpindi
  • Midhat Zahra Combined Military Hospital, Rawalpindi
  • Muhammad Uzair Khan Niazi Foundation Univeristy Medical College, Rawalpindi
  • Irta Zainab CIMS, Multan
  • Adnan Anwer Combined Military Hospital, Rawalpindi




Background: Arthroscopy of the knee is preferably done under spinal anaesthesia. The optimal analgesia for effective postoperative pain control is important to permit early discharge, comfort and mobility of the patient. Objective of the study is to assess the efficacy of ketorolac and lignocaine administered intra-articularly for postoperative pain following knee arthroscopic surgery. Methods: A total of 133 patients were randomized into two groups with one group receiving intra-articular Ketorolac and the other group receiving intra-articular Lignocaine. Postoperative pain was then assessed using the Visual Analog Scale (VAS) at 4, 8, 12 and 24 hours after surgery. Result: Both the groups had effective analgesia at 4 hours. The best analgesia was seen in the group that received Ketorolac Intra-articularly and it was found statistically significant. Conclusion: Administration of intra-articular Ketorolac injection is safe and effective way of achieving postoperative pain relief after arthroscopic knee surgery.

Author Biography

Auon Shabbir Khan Niazi, Combined Military Hospital, Rawalpindi

Orthopedic Surgery, Resident


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How to Cite

Niazi, A. S. K., Bajwa, M. A., Zahra, M., Niazi, M. U. K., Zainab, I., & Anwer, A. (2022). EFFICACY OF INTRA-ARTICULAR KETOROLAC AND LIGNOCAINE ON POST-OPERATIVE PAIN RELIEF AFTER ARTHROSCOPIC KNEE SURGERY. Journal of Ayub Medical College Abbottabad, 34(2), 273–278. https://doi.org/10.55519/JAMC-02-8647