
  • Saad Siddiqui
  • Noreen Shah
  • Romana Ayub
  • Naseer Khan


Background: Lack of Reproductive health facilities including high maternal and neonatal mortality is amajor problem of our region. Skilled healthcare providers like Lady Health Visitors can play asignificant role in improving parameters of reproductive healthcare. The objectives of this study were toassess stress profiles in student lady health visitors and their willingness to practice in future. Methods:Cross sectional survey conducted at two public health schools in District Peshawar with student LadyHealth Visitors as study participants. Results: Majority (64.4%) of respondents were satisfied with theirchoice of career, 78% thought they had adequate knowledge to practice independently, 47.7% thoughtthat their life in this profession will be stressful. Most of them were facing financial difficulties duringtheir course, 84.8% enjoyed support of their family in choice of career, 50–82% reportedpsychosomatic problems arising as result of stress in their lives. Conclusion: Most of the respondentswere happy with their choice of profession and were willing to practice in future. High prevalence ofstress in lives of respondents warrants counselling services by institutions.Keywords: Lady Health Visitors, Stress, Health professionals, Public health, Women, Cultural restrains


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