
  • Usman Ali Royal United Hospital, Bath, UK
  • Ahmed Hailan Morriston Hospital, Swansea, UK
  • Najeebullah Khan Northampton General Hospital, UK
  • Saira Bano Khwaja N/A


A woman in her 70's with a background of ocular malignant melanoma treated more than a decade ago was admitted to hospital with symptoms of dysphagia and exertional shortness of breath. Routine ECG showed a grossly abnormal ECG with T wave inversion in inferolateral leads and some anterior leads. Consequently, echocardiography and CT demonstrated the presence of a large pericardial tumour which on biopsy was found to be metastatic melanoma. Patient was treated with palliative radiotherapy with only temporary initial benefit.Keywords: Malignant Melanoma; Cardiac Metastasis; Cardiac Tumours; Pericardial Tumours

Author Biographies

Usman Ali, Royal United Hospital, Bath, UK

ST4, Pulmonology

Ahmed Hailan, Morriston Hospital, Swansea, UK

Consultant Cardiologist

Najeebullah Khan, Northampton General Hospital, UK

CT1 General Medicine

Saira Bano Khwaja, N/A

No work palce as of yet.


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