
  • Shahida Tasneem
  • Mah Muneer Khan
  • Mohammad Younas Khawaja


Background: Male breast cancer incidence rises with age with peak in the 6th & 7th decade. It is one ofthe rare diseases and accounts for less than 1% of all malignancies worldwide. It is usually diagnosed inthe late stage with poor prognosis. Objective: The purpose of this study was to know the demographicpattern and tumour characteristic of breast cancer in men reported at Institute of Radiotherapy andNuclear Medicine (IRNUM), Peshawar. Methods: Retrospective data was collected from the(IRNUM), Peshawar for a period of three years (2006−2008). The evaluation was done from thehistopathological reports of mastectomy and biopsy specimens. All male patients in the age group26−86 year with breast cancer were included in the study. The age of the patients and tumourcharacteristics recorded were size, grade, type, skin involvement and stage. Results: Total number ofmale patients with breast cancer were 31 (2.1%) out of the total patients with breast malignancy duringthe study period with the mean age of 58.3 years. Tumour size ranged from 2 to 12 Cm. with average of3.6 Cm. Invasive ductal carcinoma was found in 87%, papillary carcinoma in 6.5%, each of malignantfibrous histocytoma and sarcoma in 3.2% cases. Maximum number of patients was of grade II(41%).Patients in whom stage of the disease was known were 22 cases with 45.5% had stage III diseaseand 32% had stage IV disease. Skin involvement was found positive in 8 (25.8%). Conclusion: Due topoor health care system breast cancer is diagnosed in a late stage of the disease and prognosis is poor.Keywords: Male, breast malignancy, Stage, grade, type


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