
  • Raja Najum ul Haq
  • Basharat Ali Khan
  • Ishtiaq Ahmed Chaudhry


Background: Thyroid malignancies are a heterogeneous group of tumours which show considerablevariability in biological behaviour, histological appearances and response to therapy. Thyroid canceris uncommon and represents only 1% of all malignancies. Objective was to determine the prevalenceof malignancy in patients presenting with goitre. This prospective, observational study wasconducted at Department of Surgery, Fauji Foundation Hospital, Rawalpindi from January 1999 toDecember 2008. Methods: All patients requiring surgery for goitre were included in the study.Postoperatively histopathologies of specimens were evaluated in all patients. Results: 718 patientswere operated and post operative histopathology specimens were reviewed. 2.92% of patients werefound to have malignancy. Prevalence of papillary and follicular carcinoma was 33.33% each.Anaplastic carcinoma was found in 23.81% of patients followed by Hurthle cell carcinoma in 9.53%of patients. Conclusion: All postoperative thyroid specimens should be subjected to histopathology.Prevalence of follicular carcinoma and anaplastic carcinoma is relatively higher in our country due tohigh incidence of iodine deficiency goitre.Keywords: Goitre, Malignancy, Prevalence, Carcinoma Thyroid


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