
  • Shehnaz A Sheikh
  • Jawed Altaf Baig
  • Tehseen Iqbal
  • Tahseen Kazmi
  • Muhammad Baig
  • Syed Shajee Husain


Background: Diabetes is one of the most common endocrine disorders characterized byhyperglycaemia. Diabetic nephropathy is a consequence of long standing diabetes. The prevalence ofmicroalbuminuria predicts progression to diabetic nephropathy. The present study was conducted todetermine the prevalence of microalbuminuria in relation to duration of diabetes, BMI, SerumCreatinine and HbA1c in an ethnic group of Type 2 diabetes mellitus residing in Karachi. Methods:This cross-sectional descriptive study was carried out in a community diabetic centre, located at GardenEast Karachi from July to December 2007. One hundred known Type 2 diabetic patients with age 30–70 years were included in the study. Informed consent and a structured questionnaire of each patientwere recorded. Fasting venous blood and morning urine sample was collected for analysis of creatinine,HbA1c and microalbuminuria respectively. Statistical analysis was done using SPSS version 13.0.Pearson correlation was applied to observe association of microalbuminuria with different parameters.All p-values <0.05 were considered as statistically significant. Results: Microalbuminuria had a highlysignificant correlation with duration of diabetes, serum creatinine (p<0.001), HbA1c (p<0.05) and BMI(p<0.024). A strong correlation exists between age and serum creatinine (r=0.73). Conclusion: Thepresent study found an early onset of microalbuminuria in the selected community which could be dueto poor glycaemic control (high HbA1c >7%) or heredity factors. Screening for microalbuminuria andHbA1c test should be done in both newly and already diagnosed Type 2 diabetic patients as an earlymarker of renal dysfunction and glycaemic control.Keywords: Microalbuminuria, HbA1c, duration, diabetes, Serum Creatinine


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