
  • Faraz Khan Luni
  • Briha Ansari
  • Ahmed Jawad
  • Amber Dawson
  • Shahid Masud Baig


Objective: To study the prevalence of Anxiety and Depression and its association in a rural area ofSindh, Pakistan. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted at Ansari Para, in Tehsil Hala,Sindh province in Pakistan, using the Aga Khan University Anxiety and Depression Scale UrduVersion. Results: Out of a total of 260 people interviewed, 112 people (43.1%) were screened tohave anxiety and depression. Depression and anxiety were strongly associated with female gender,family dynamics, child environment, unsuccessful love affairs and among those with medicalchronic disorders. A gradual decreasing incidence of depression and anxiety was noted withincreasing level of education. A significantly strong association was noted between child mortalityand maternal depression while no such association was found in males. There is a significantdifference in the age of depressed and normal individuals. There was significant correlation betweenunhappy childhood and unsatisfying family relationships. However, no relationships were foundbetween depression & anxiety and martial status, presence or number of children, absence of maleoffspring, living in joint family system, financial problems and any deficiencies that the respondentsfelt that he might have. Conclusion: This study suggests that anxiety and depression is a commonpsychiatric disorder even in remote village areas and contradicts the common belief that people thosewho live in the remote rural areas lead stress-free lives or have low rates of psychiatric morbidity.Keywords: Prevalence, Depression, Anxiety, Rural, Sindh


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