Background: The important factor for improving the cataract surgery is reduction in size of cornealincision. Small incision results in less induced astigmatism, and faster visual rehabilitation. Methods: Ananalysis of 100 eyes of 80 patients operated for phacoemulsification through micro incision by standardchop technique (50 eyes) in group-I, and chick feed technique (50 eyes) in group-II is presented. All of thepatients were operated on by posterior limbal corneal incision under topical or sub-tenon anesthesia. In allpatients, posterior chamber bag fixation foldable intraocular lens implantation was performed through 1.4to 1.6 mm corneal incision. Results: Forty patients (80%) out of fifty operated in group-2 had an over allvisual recovery of 6/12 to 6/9 on day one post operative, as compared to group-1 where only ten (20%)patients out of fifty had visual recovery of 6/12 to 6/9. In the second week, out of 37 patients operated ingroup-2, thirty patients (81%) had visual acuity 6/6. Similarly in second week post operative, out of fortythree patients operated in group-1, only eighteen patients (41.8%) had V/A of 6/6. Maximum visualrecovery was observed in early post operative phase in group-2 patients. Conclusion: The chick feedtechnique has been proved to be the most compromising method in micro incision cataract surgery, ascompared to standard chop method, due to its capability of working on low energy and negligible vacuum.Keywords: Cataract; Phaco MICS; Chick Feed Technique; Standard Chop TechniqueReferences
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