
  • Mumtaz Khan Burki
  • Iftikhar Qayum
  • Noaman Siddiqui


65 cases of thalassaemia major were selected out of 300 cases of anaemia(21.667c) admitted to Paediatric Unit A inWomen and Children Hospital, Abbottabad since June 1995, based on their family history clinical data, laboratoryinvestigations and X-ray analyses. Most of them were between 1-5 years of age. No difference was noted between thetwo sexes. Parental consanguinity was present in 49.237c of cases and non-consanguinity in 24.617c, whereas datawas not available in 26.157c. of cases.All the patients had moderate to severe anaemia and failure to thrive as their presenting symptoms. Otherpredominant associated features were splenomegaly(907c), typical facies (607c), skull changes on X-rays(607c),hepatomegaly (45%), jaundice(107c) and repeated infections such as gastroenteritis, pneumonia, etc. Some of them,particularly older children having received multiple blood transfusions, presented with complications such as viralhepatitis, congestive cardiac failure (4.617c) and diabetic ketoacidosis (1.537c). A variety of problems wereencountered in diagnosis and management of these cases and are listed with suggested improvements in patient care.


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