
  • M. Zamir Ahmad Akbri
  • Abdus Salam Sheikh
  • Muhammad Sarwar Bhatti
  • Muhammad Hussnain
  • Zafar Ali Chaudhry


Background: The purpose of the study was to investigate the previously reported observations that patients withelevated levels of serum sialic acid are more prone to develop retinopathy. Methods: Fasting blood glucose and serumsialic acid levels were estimated in sixty diabetic patients with and without retinopathy between 30-60 years of age.Thirty normal persons of same age group were included as controls. Fundoscopy was done to confirm retinopathy.Serum sialic acid concentration was elevated in diabetic patients both with and without retinopathy but the increasewas much significant in patients with diabetic retinopathy. Results: A significant correlation of serum sialic acid levelwith duration of diabetes and degree of retinal involvement was noticed in this study


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