


Background: A cohort study of anaemic pregnant women was carried out at the Department of Obstetrics andGynecology, Women and Children Hospital. Abbottabad. from November 30, 1992 to March 30. 1993. to determinethe effects of antenatal maternal anaemia on the newborn babies. Methods: 34 pregnant women with anaemia and 39non-anaemic pregnant women were included in the study. Parameters studied were Hemoglobin levels, RBCmorphology. Foetal birth weights. Foetal gestational ages, and Foetal APGAR score (at birth and after 10 months).Results: Out of 34 anaemic women, 6 delivered at 7 or 7+ months, 7 at 8 or 8+ months and 21 at 9 or 9+ months, ascompared to 39 non-anaemic, one of whom delivered at 7 or 7 t months, 2 at 8 or 8 + months and 36 at 9 or 9+ months.Fetal mortality rate for anaemic women was 50% at 7 or 7+ months, 28.7% at 8 or 8+ months and 23.80% 9 or +-9months. For all non-anaemic women, it was 0%. Mean fetal birth weight in anaemic group was 1.4 + 0.66 kg at 7 or7+ months, 1.93+ 0.53 kg at 8 or 8+ months and 2.61± 0.3 I kg at 9 or 9+ months. Among non-anaemic group, it was2.8 kg at 7 + months, 3.75± 0.55 kg at 8 or 8+ months and 3.65 ± 0.66 kg at 9 or 9+ months. Conclusions: Thesefindings show that mothers with nutritional or iron deficiency anaemia tend to deliver prematurely with low birthweight babies and a high mortality rate or stillbirths, as compared to non-anaemic mothers.


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