
  • Tariq Mufti
  • M. Saeed Khan
  • Muzher -U- Dua
  • Farah Waqar


An old lady of 58 years’ age presented with a huge softtissue mass over left pectoral region which wasgradually increasing in size over the last 5-ycars.Patient also gives history' of recent appearance ofconstant dull pain and low grade fever (<100Fo) for thelast 3-4 months. CT Scan revealed a soil tissue subcutaneous mass extending from the dermis downwardswithout rib erosion. X-Ray chest clear and USGabdomen was normal. Excisional biopsy revealedDermatofibrosarcoma protuberans. After woundhealing, external radiation on 10Mev electron beam(Varianclinac-20) with direct anterior fieldencompassing nearly upper 2/3 of left chest wall anddelivering a tumor dose of 48 grays at I cm depth in 16treatments. 3 ’A weeks’ time as ϵ 300 cgys daily.The tumor bed can be radiated on cobolt -60 (Megavoltage beam) with tangential fields to mid line doseof 60 grays in 30 fractions for 6 weeks


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