
  • Mevo Khan Zardari
  • Mir Muhammad Sahto
  • Syed Tousif Ahmed
  • AH Akbar Rahu
  • Ahmed Badar


A total of 95 mate subjects were included during the course of present study. 35 COPD without cardiac failure and30 COPD with cardiac failure. Expiratory spirometry was performed on S- model vitalograph spirometer. Vitalcapacity (VC), forced vital capacity (VC), forced expiratory volume one second ( F E V I expiratory ratio (FEV/FVC%)and forced expiratory flow 25-75% ( F E F 25-75%) were performed on all subjects. The ventilatory functions of themale adult control of relevant age subgroups were found to decline with advancing age. Pulmonary function tests inCOPD without and with cardiac failure were significantly decreased (p<0.001) when compared with controls. In theCOPD without and with cardiac failure, the difference was statistically insignificant, h was even slightly higher inCOPD with cardiac failure subjects except FEF 25-75%. These tests are therefore valuable for early diagnosis inCOPD subjects but in COPD with cardiac failure their correlation with severity of lung disease is not perfect.


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