
  • S. Jamil-ur- Rahman
  • Gul Mohammad
  • Aurang zeb


ABSTRACT:Two hundred and fifty patients with Urinary Tract Calculi, who were operated upon werestudied in the period between 1986 to 1989. The maximum patients presented between thirty-oneand forty years of age. Male to female ratio was 4.6-8.1. One hundred and twelve patients had Renaland sixty patients had Ureteric Stones. Seventy-eight patients had stone in the bladder and Urethra.the commonest symptom was pain, haematuria alone was present in twelve patients and pyuriaalone in six patients. Urinary tract infection was present in one hundred and eighty patients. Theoverall mortality rale was 1.6%. Only one patient had recurrence. Majority of the stones werecalcium oxalate or calcium phosphate.


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