
  • Rehman Ghani
  • Ghulam Nabi
  • Khawar Shehzad


Retropharyngeal abscesses are more common in children than the adult population. This is a potentially lethalinfection in the Paediatric population under the age of five years. Abscesses in this group are secondary to upperrespiratory tract infection. In the adult group they are usually secondary to trauma, foreign bodies or as acomplication of dental infections. We have treated 12 cases of Retropharyngeal Abscesses between 1990 to 1998 inour department. Factors such as age, sex, aetiology, presenting signs & symptoms, methods of diagnosis, treatmentand complications are reviewed. A lateral neck film showing widening of the prevertebral space was the mostdiagnostic tool. Ten cases required surgical drainage. The other two were completely cured with parenteral broadspectrum Antibiotics. The most commonly isolated pathogen was streptococcus pyogenes. There were no deaths andonly one recurrence required repeated surgical drainage.


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