
  • M. Nasar Sayeed Khan
  • Usman Amin Hotiana
  • Salman Ahmad


Background: The tolerability and efficacy for patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder(OCD) in a large, sample on Escitalopram was studied. Methods: A total of 100 adults with aconfirmed diagnosis of OCD were included. The percentage of patients with an adequate drugtrial, defined as 42 days of continuous treatment with a serotonin- reuptake inhibitor or placebo atdosages at or above established minimal effective dosages. Results: Ninety-six percent of theadults who were newly diagnosed with OCD in the index year had an adequate trial of medicationafter their first visit for OCD. By the second half of 42 days the patient who were responding tothe treatment were randomly allocated to two groups. One group received the same drug and othergroup was given placebo. The results were complied at the end of three months of each patienttreatment. No additional psychotherapy was offered to these patients during this time period.Conclusions: Despite the typically chronic course of OCD, many patients with OCD responded tothe Esciatolpram at the dosage of twenty milligram per day.Key words: Esciatolpram, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)


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