
  • Basharat Ali Khan
  • Sami Saeed
  • Adeel Akram
  • Faraz Basharat Khan
  • Amjad Nasim


Background: Nosocomial urinary tract infections (NUTIs) are by definition not present atadmission of a patient and are acquired during hospitalisation. The objective of this study was tostudy the uropathogens and their antibiotic sensitivity patterns in hospital acquired urinary tractinfections presenting in a teaching hospital. Methodology: It was a retrospective descriptivestudy carried out at the Department of Pathology, Fauji Foundation Hospital, Rawalpindi,Pakistan, during the year 2009. Reports of urine culture and sensitivity performed during oneyear were retrospectively studied with a view to document various isolates and theirantimicrobial sensitivity. Results: Out of a total number of 1204 urine cultures submitted, 246were found to have nosocomial urinary tract infections. Over all prevalence of nosocomialurinary tract infection in the examined reports was 20.43%. Conclusion: Nosocomial Urinarytract infections are common. Gram negative bacilli are most frequent uropathogens and areresistant to commonly used antibiotics. Fosfomycin followed by Gentamycin and Cefotaximewere the most effective antibiotics.Keywords: uropathogens, antibiotics, urine, culture, sensitivity


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