
  • Mohammad Naeem Khan Khyber medical college
  • Syed Shahmeer Raza Khyber Medical College
  • Shayan Qadir Khyber Medical College
  • Hana Rehman Khyber Teaching Hospital
  • Amer Kamal Hussain khyber medical college
  • Muhammad Daniyal Nadeem Khyber Medical College
  • Farhan Ullah Khyber Medical College


Eales disease is an eponym after a British ophthalmologist Henry Eales. The etiology behind Eales disease is ill-understood and stands controversial. Various systemic diseases associated with peripheral retinal revascularization and Retinal vasculitis could imitate the proliferative and inflammatory phases of Eales’ disease, respectively. We present a case of a 30 years old female patient with Eales disease and discuss the clinical features, treatment plan and its outcome in our patient. Tuberculosis appears to be the cause of Eales disease but the relation is yet to be established and clinically proven. Steroid therapy is usually the main stay of treatment with tapering doses of systemic corticosteroids. Other interventions are vitrectomy, photocogulation or cryotherapy.Keywords: Eales disease; Tuberculosis; Fundus Fluorescein Angiography; Retinal Vasculitis

Author Biographies

Mohammad Naeem Khan, Khyber medical college

Associate Professor Community Medicine Department, Khyber Medical College.

Hana Rehman, Khyber Teaching Hospital

Post graduate resident trainee, Dept. of EYE, Khyber Teaching Hospital


Eales H. Retinal haemorrhage associated with epistaxis and constipation. Brim Med Rev 1880;9:262.

Wardsworth. Recurrent retinal haemorrhage followed by the development of blood vessels in the vitreous. Ophthalmic Rev 1887;6:289.

Das T, Pathengay A, Hussain N, Biswas J. Eales’ disease: diagnosis and management. Eye (lond) 2010;24(3):472–82.

Sulochana KN, Rajesh M, Ramakrishnan S. Purification and characterization of a novel 88 kDa protein from serum and vitreous of patients with Eales’ disease. Exp Eye Res 2001;73(4):547–55.

Dastur DK, Singhal BS. Eales’ disease with neurological involvement. Part 2. Pathology and pathogenesis. J Neurol Sci 1976;27(3):323–45



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