
  • Ruqqia Sultana
  • Shehla Noor
  • Ali Fawwad Nazar
  • Nasreen Abbasi
  • Rubina Bashir
  • Bushra Khan
  • Faiza Saleem


Background: Uterine fibroids are the most common type of tumours in women arising from uterinemyometrium and less commonly from cervix. Objective of the study was to check the safety ofcaesarean myomectomy. Methods: Patients attending Gynaecology-B Unit of Ayub Teaching Hospitalhaving pregnancy with fibroid and undergoing myomectomy along with caesarean section (CS) wereincluded in this prospective study during Jan 2010–Dec 2011. Intra-operative and postoperativematernal morbidity in terms of blood loss, operative time and length of hospital stay was compared tomatched pregnant woman with caesarean section alone. Results: Out of 6,000 antenatal mothersregistered during the study period myoma was detected in 96 (1.6%) cases. Mean age of mother havingmyoma was 28 years, 70% were primigravida, and mean haemoglobin was 10.56 gm%. Size of myomawas 12 Cm in 30% cases 5 Cm in 23% and more than 1 myoma in 60% cases. There was no significantdifference in intra-operative haemorrhage and length of hospital state in comparison matched womenwith CS although operating time was double than later. None required caesarean hysterectomy.Conclusion: Myomectomy can be safely performed in majority of carefully selected patients withmyomas without any serious life threatening complications.Keywords: Fibroids, caesarean section, myomectomy, haemorrhage


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