
  • Muhammad Asif Jaleel
  • Rozina Nooreen
  • Abida Parveen
  • Farhana Farhana
  • Nadeem Nadeem
  • Abdul Hameed


Background: There are different pollutions in the environment e.g. Water pollution, dust pollution, pollen pollution, noise pollution and smoking pollution.  As smoking from different sources is a pollution and injurious to health therefore we decided to conduct epidemiological study of smoking in Multan. Methods: The study was carried out on 1100 subjects residing in different localities of Multan.  A specifically designed questionnaire was filled and the responses computed. The results were then compared with similar survey conducted in Abbottabad and reported earlier. Results: Out of the study population 40.02% were found to be smoking different kinds of tobacco. Out of 442 smoking persons 36.66% are smoking for just company while 57.01% for anxiety and remaining for other reasons.   20-40 cigarettes of different brands per day are used by different occupation persons.  The expenditure for cigarette smoking is in the range of Rs. 300–2000 per month.  Among smoking persons 292 (66.06 %) complained of Nocturnal cough, 96 (21.72%) during day and 54 (12.22 %) at both time. 125 smokers (28.28 %) complained of sputum, while 43 subjects (9.73 %) complained of occasional or frequent blood stained sputum. 24 (5.43 %) smokers reported of symptoms or diagnosis of Ischeamic heart disease. 35 smokers (7.92 %) smoke during fasting of Holy Ramadan. 290 smokers (65.61 %) do not hesitate to smoke at public places


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