
  • Mohammad Javed
  • Sajjad Ahmed


Tuberculosis is still a major health problem in Pakistan.1 No organ of the human body isspared. After lungs, the Gastrointestinal tract is the most frequently affected area2. In the GIThowever involvement of the stomach is very rare3. We report a case of gastric tuberculosis in a 55-year-old man.


Kaleta, J. and Chaudhry, N.A. Epidemiological situation of tuberculosis in Pakistan. Results of the National

Tuberculosis prevalence survey 1974-78. Documents on tuberculosis in Pakistan presented at the XIV National

Tuberculosis Conference, Lahore April 1982. pp 1-8.

Cotran, R.S. Kumar, V. Robins, S.L. Robbins Pathological basis of disease. 4th Ed. W.B. Saunders 1984.

Wyngaarden J.B. and Smith L.H. Cecil text book of Medicine 16th Ed. W.G. Saunders 1982. PP 1548- 1549.

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